“అసమర్ధజాతికి ఆత్మగౌరవ అర్హత ఉండదు"

11, అక్టోబర్ 2010, సోమవారం

వైరల్ ఫీవర్ & హోమియోపతి

Homoeopathy works well in all diseases. But it should be used judiciously,intelligently and carefully. Proper remedy and potency should be selected depending on the totality of symptoms. Then it works wonders.

People ask a peculiar question very often. Will Homoeopathy work in this disease? My answer is, it works in all diseases. It works on a Natural Law. As long as a disease condition exists, a remedy exists side by side.

Here is how I recently treated a case of Viral Fever successfully with Homoeopathy.

The patient was a college going girl of 17 years. On last Saturday she came home from college with high fever. There are conjunctivitis and viral fevers everywhere now, more so in colleges.

When I saw the patient last Saturday, she was suffering from the following symptoms:

Saturday 9-10-2010 14.00 hours
1.Sudden High fever 103 degrees
2.Severe chill, Likes to cover with blanket.
3.Body pains,headache.
4.Slight cold and cough.
6.Talking constantly.
7.She ate some spicy food last night.
8.Tongue: Coated White.
9.Taste: Bitter.

Basing on the symptoms, Nux vomica-1m was selected and 2 pills were administered. Within 1/2 hour the temperature came down to 102. She felt better in all respects.

Saturday 9-10-2010 21.00 hours
The symptoms were studied again.They are as under:

1.Fever 103 again.
2.There is no chill. Now she wants open air.
3.Body pains and headache decreased by 75%
4.Cold and cough-- Slightly better.
5.Restlessness: Disappeared.
6.Continuous Talking: Absent.

Now a different set of symptoms developed:

1.Desire for cool water.
2.Cannot bear light.
3.Wants someone to sit by the bedside.

Based on the above symptoms; Phosphorous-1m one dose of 2 pills was given.

Saturday 9-10-2010 00.00 hours
Patient vomited water and some liquids. Felt better in all respects. Temperature came down to 101.

Sunday 10-10-2010 7.00 hours
1.Temperature again rose to 103 degrees
2.Chill and body pains returned. Body pains better by pressure.
3.Head ache returned. It is better by applied pressure.

China-1m 4 pills dissolved in a cup of water, a spoonful was given at the interval of 6 hours.

Sunday 10-10-2010 13.00 hours
1.Temperature came down to 102 degrees
2.Chill and body pains: Absent.
3.Head ache: 95% better.

AS the patient is improving, no medicine was given.

Monday 11-10-2010 7.00 hours
1.Temperature: 100
All other symptoms absent. Since the patient is improving, no medicine was given.

Monday 11-1o-2010 10.00 hours
1.Temperature: Normal
2. Appetite normal; Tongue:Normal,Thirst: Normal;
Patient is cured.

All through the treatment Kali Mur-6x and Ferrum Phos-6x were given morning and evening to support the vital force. North Pole of strong magnets applied to both palms for 10 minutes in morning/evening.

This is how a case of Viral fever is cured in 2 days without any unnecessary tests or use of unnecessary anti-biotics.